Our apricots are just...apricots! No nasty sulphur dioxide to be found. They will appear a dark brownish orange but wow, the taste is by far superior
A relative of the peach, nectarine, plum and cherry, apricots are fragrant, with a soft, velvety skin that ranges from pale yellow to deep orange. Inside there's a large kernel that will fall out easily if the flesh is ripe.
Succulent organic whole apricots.100% natural - no preservatives or sugar added.Eat as they are or soak in water to reconstitute.Ideal for snacking or chopping into muesli, yoghurt, desserts and pastries
We are 100% chemical and drug-free in all of our hive operations, nor do we heat treat or pasteurize our honey.
We prefer to pack it in as near to the way it came from the hive as possible, just as the bees' intended. Because of this our clear honeys may granulate, however, this is not a problem or sign of fault, but a further sign of our honey's natural quality. Should you prefer to return the honey to a clear, liquid state then simply warm it gently.

Bringing straight from the hills of Kashmir, we supply the finest quality of organic Walnut (28mm to 34mm).
Walnuts are one of the most popular and versatile of all nuts. When picked young, they're known as wet and their milky white kernels are mainly used for pickling. Far more common is the dried nut, either shelled or unshelled.
Slightly bitter in flavour, walnuts are good eaten raw or cooked, in either sweet or savoury dishes, and are particularly useful for baking.

We are the specialists in finest quality Kashmiri saffron. We deliver worldwide and our saffron is organically grown in Kashmir using absolutely no chemical fertilizers or additives.
Do not be fooled into thinking that saffron's quality is tied to saffron's price. In other words, saffron's price is tied to how much saffron is harvested in a particular country and how many middlemen handle it before it reaches you.We buy directly from the growers!